- ELITE 7000
- ELITE 7500
- ELITE 8000
- ELITE 8500
- Entourage
- EP3000
- Premium 50
- Premium 60
- Premium 70
- Premium 75
- Premium 80
- Premium 85
- Premium 90
104124 75 Sqft Elite Spas Weir Only
$24.00104124 75 Sqft Elite Spas Weir OnlyThis spa weir is for use on: 2001, 2002 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.This product is not currently available through the manufacturer, but may still be available. Please call 702-629-1877.104124$24.00 -
104125 75 Sqft Elite Spas Basket Only
$28.00104125 75 Sqft Elite Spas Basket OnlyThis spa basket is for use on: 2001, 2002 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.104125$28.00 -
104146 Elite Spas Filter Extended Wall Fitting
$12.00104146 Elite Spas Filter Extended Wall FittingThis spa filter is for use on: 2001 Spa Depot, 2003, 2004, 2005-2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 Elite spa.104146$12.00 -
104309 50Sqft Elite Spas Filter, Cartridge
$52.00104309 50Sqft Elite Spas Filter, Cartridge This spa filter is for use on: 2001 Spa Depot, 2003, 2004, 2005-2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 Elite spa. Manufacturer number: 5ch-35 Bottom Physical...104309$52.00 -
104334 2" Elite Spa Suction, 180 GPM, VGB2008, Super High Flo
$33.00104334 Elite Spa Suction, 200 GPM, Super High Flo This spa jet suction is for use on: Savannah, 2001 Spa Depot, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.104334$33.00 -
104349 1 1/2" Coleman Spas Check Valve, Blower, 3/32LB, Spring Union Attached,
$21.00104349 Coleman Spas Check Valve, Blower, 3/32LB, Spring Union AttachedThis spa check valve is for use on: 2008 300 & 400 Series Coleman Spa.This spa blower check valve is for use on: 2004, 2005-2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 &...104349$21.00 -
104489 1.5HP Elite Spas Blower, Heat-300 P3, 240V, 60HZ
$256.00104489 1.5HP Elite Spas Blower, Heat-300 P3, 240V, 60HZThis spa blower is for use on: 2001 Spa Depot, 2003, 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.104489$256.00 -
104541 Elite Spas Bulb Low Voltage 12W
$0.00104541 Elite Spas Bulb Low Voltage 12WThis spa bulb is for use on: 2001 Spa Depot, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite Spa.This product is not currently available through the manufacturer, but may still be available. Please call 702-629-1877.104541$0.00 -
104553 Elite Spas Jet, Thermowell, Tph-1-Cl
$0.00104553 Elite Spas Jet, Thermowell, Tph-1-ClThis spa jet is for use on: Savannah, 2001 Spa Depot, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.This product is not currently available through the manufacturer, but may still be available. Please call...104553$0.00 -
104560 Elite Spas Cable, Triple Twist Socket
$0.00104560 Elite Spas Cable, Triple Twist SocketThis spa cable is for use on: 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.This product is not currently available through the manufacturer, but may still be available. Please call 702-629-1877.104560$0.00 -
105905 Elite Spas Topside Overlay, Tsc-19-Ax4, K-19 , 4 BUTTON - (P1-P2/L/T) GECKO GEN, Replaces 105910, 105912, 106646
$39.00105905 Elite Spas Topside Overlay, Tsc-19-Ax4, K-19 , 4 BUTTON - (P1-P2/L/T) GECKO GEN, Replaces 105910, 105912, 106646 This spa topside is for use on: 2003 & 2004 Elite spa. This part is a replacement for 105910, 105912 & 106646 Elite Spas...105905$39.00 -
105910 Elite Spas Topside Overlay, Tsc-19-Sd6, Replaced By 105905
105910 Elite Spas Overlay, Tsc-19-Sd6, Replaces By 105905 This spa topside is for use on: 2001 Spa Depot, 2003 & 2004 Elite spa. This part has been discontinued and replaced by 105905 Elite Spas Topside Overlay, Tsc-19-Ax4, K-19 , 4 BUTTON -...105910 -
105912 Elite Spas Overlay, Tsc-19-Sd7, Replaced By 105905
105912 Elite Spas Overlay, Tsc-19-Sd7, Replaces By 105905 This spa topside is for use on: 2003 & 2004 Elite spa. This part has been discontinued and replaced by 105905 Elite Spas Topside Overlay, Tsc-19-Ax4, K-19 , 4 BUTTON - (P1-P2/L/T) GECKO GEN105912 -
106055 2" Elite Spas Control Valve, Water Diverter Handle
$17.00106055 2" Elite Spas Control Valve, Water Diverter Handle.This spa handle is for use on: 2003, 2005, 2006, 2013 & 2014 Elite spa.106055$17.00 -
106056 2" Elite Spas Control Valve, Water Diverter Cap For 104303
106056 2" Elite Spas Control Valve, Water Diverter Cap For 104303 This spa diverter is for use on: 2003 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.106056 -
106226 Maax Spas Heater 5.5KW 120/240, 15" Flo-Thru MSPA
Maax Spas
$266.50106226 Maax Spas Heater 5.5KW 120/240, 15" Flo-Thru MSPAThis spa heater is for use on: 2001 Spa Depot, 2002, 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.This product is not currently available through the manufacturer, but may still be available. Please call 702-629-1877.106226X$266.50 -
106227 Spa Depot Heater 5.5KW, 240V,Flo Thru,15" SSPA
Spa Depot
$262.50106227 Spa Depot Heater 5.5KW, 240V,Flo Thru,15" SSPAThis spa heater is for use on: 2002, 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite spa.This product is not currently available through the manufacturer, but may still be available. Please call 702-629-1877.106227$262.50 -
106289 3/8" Elite Spas Blower, Air Injector
$14.00106289 3/8" Elite Spas Blower, Air InjectorThis spa air injector is for use on: 2005-2006, 2007 & 2008-2009 Elite spa.106289$14.00 -
106324 3.25" Coleman Spas Jet, Mini Storm, Directional, 2 Tone, Stainless
$19.00106324 3.25" Coleman Spas Jet, Mini Storm, Directional, 2 Tone, Stainless This spa jet is for use on: 2005 to 2007 300 & 400 Series Coleman Spa. This spa jet is for use on: 2005-2006 & 2007 Elite spa.103624$19.00 -
106343 Elite Spas Skimmer Weir 900827Hc
$0.00106343 Elite Spas Skimmer Weir 900827Hc This part has been discontinued and replaced by 106849 Spa Depot Filter Weir Door, Molded, Gray This spa filter door is for use on: 2003, 2004, 2005-2006, 2007 & 2008-2009 Elite spa.106343$0.00