Spa Heater Removal
1. Turn off power to spa.
2. Open access panel to the equipment area.
3. Drain spa or close the gate valves (if equipped).
4. Open the control box and disconnect the heater power wires.
5. Disconnect the wires from the pressure switch and remove the sensor
6. Remove the bolts that secure the manifold to the control box.
7. Unscrew the pressure switch and slide out the high limit sensor. The pressure
switch is mounted on the heater manifold. The high limit sensor slides into the
sleeve on the heater.
8.Loosen the unions and remove heater manifold.

Installation Method:
1. Place the new heater manifold in the position of the old heater
2. Slide the high limit sensor in place on the heater manifold.
3. Tighten the two heater bolts that secure the heater manifold to the control box.
4. Connect the pressure switch wire and sensor wire to the circuit board.
5. Firmly tighten the heater element power leads to the heater terminals on the
circuit board.
6. Refill the spa through the filter and power up.