Platinum Elite
Find parts for 2009 Platinum Elite Class by Artesian below. You can further narrow down parts if you know the model of the spa. Or, you can choose from the "Product Category" filter on the left. When choosing a model to narrow down parts, please keep in mind the page will not list most optional parts, and may not be a complete listing of parts. Feel free to come back to this page if you do not see what you need. Try using the Artesian Home Page if you are still having trouble.
35-0004-54, Artesian Spas Light Lens, 2" Mini LED
Artesian Spas
$16.50OP35-0004-54 Artesian Spas Light Lens, 2" Mini LED Includes nut and gasket35-0004-54$16.50 -
35-0010-48, Artesian Spas Light Housing, 5"
Artesian Spas
$32.00Artesian Spas Light Parts 5 Light Housing. 35-0010-4835-0010-48$32.00 -
35-0301-10, Artesian Spas Light, Small Controller, Daisy Chain
Artesian Spas
$78.75OP35-0310-10, 35-0301-10, Artesian Spas Light, Small Controller, Daisy Chain LED Controller, DynaBrite. 2007-201535-0301-10$78.75 -
35-0302-10, Artesian Spas Light, 12 LED, Ultra DynaBrite
Artesian Spas
$78.50OP35-0302-10, 35-0302-10, Artesian Spas Light, 12 LED, Ultra DynaBrite35-0302-10$78.50 -
35-0304-10, Artesian Spas Light, Dual RGB, LED, Daisy Chain
Artesian Spas
$34.50OP35-0304-10, 35-0304-10, Artesian Spas Light, Dual RGB, LED, Daisy Chain. 2007-201535-0304-10$34.50 -
35-0305-10, Artesian Spas Light, Single RGB, LED, Daisy Chain
Artesian Spas
$16.50Artesian Spas Light Parts Single LED RGB Daisy Chain Assy35-0305-10$16.50 -
35-0308-10, Artesian Spas Light, 5' Chain Jumper
Artesian Spas
$9.0035-0308-10, Artesian Spas Light, 5' Chain Jumper35-0308-10$9.00 -
Artesian Spas Equipment Box, In. Terface, Pump Switch
Artesian Spas
Artesian Spas Equipment Box, In.Terface, Pump Switch 2006-2011. This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer. There is no replacement for this pump control box. However, you can us an In.Touch Wifi Module and control the spa...33-0511-40 -
Artesian Spas Filter Parts Nature 2 Cartridge
Artesian Spas
$62.00Artesian Spas Nature 2 Cartridge with no cap. Same as 96-0017-00 or OP96-001700P; 96-0013-00 or OP96-0013-00 (2003-2006)OP96-0017-00$62.00 -
Artesian Spas Light Parts Light, Hex-Thread ½" (6 Pack)
Artesian Spas
$20.25Artesian Spas Light Parts Light, Hex-Thread ½"35-0190-48$20.25 -
Artesian Spas Light, 7 LED, 2" Light Daisy Chain
Artesian Spas
$48.50Artesian Spas Light Parts 7 LED, 2 Light Daisy Chain (Bulb Not Incl.) 2007-201235-0306-10$48.50