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21-0050-81, Artesian Spa Pump, 6MPHP 1SPD 230v 56 fr
Artesian Spas
21-0050-81, Artesian Spa Pump, 6MPHP 1SPD 230v 56 fr. OP21-0050-81. Replaces 21-0111-81, OP21-0111-81. 2003-2015 Balboa 1016278 Wetend for this pump is 21-0257-81.21-0050-81 -
21-0053-81, Artesian Spa Pump, 6.0 Hp 2 Spd.
Artesian Spas
21-0053-81, Artesian Spa Pump, 6.0 Hp 2 Spd. OP21-0053-81. This part has been updated and replaced below. 2003-2011 Click Here! Replacement 21-0110-8121-0053-81 -
24-0216-08, Artesian Spas Heater, M7, Flo Thru, ADV
Artesian Spas
$215.00OP24-0216-08, 24-0216-08. Artesian Spas Heater, M7, Flo Thru, ADV. Balboa. 2007-2014. Related Items: Temerature Sensor: OP80-0052-08 Split Nut: OP24-0245-4224-0216-08$215.00 -
25-0151-766, Artesian Spas Ozone, Check Valve Parts Bag
Artesian Spas
$18.50OP25-0151-76, 25-0151-76. Spa Ozone Check Valve Parts Bag - Artesian Spas25-0151-76$18.50 -
26-0300-85, Artesian Spas Pillow, Large Neck, Island
Artesian Spas
$57.00Island Series - Artesian Spa PIllow Large Neck 26-0300-85,OP26-0300-85. Pillow is no longer available with logo. Please see "Related Products" below for other pillows in this set.OP26-0300-85NL$57.00 -
26-0310-85, Artesian Spas Pillow, Lounger, Island
Artesian Spas
$52.00Island Series - Artesian Spa PIllow Lounger 26-0310-85,OP26-0310-85 26-0310-85NL. Pillow is no longer available with logo. Please see "Related Products" below for other pillows in this set.OP26-0310-85NL$52.00 -
26-0315-85, Artesian Spas Pillow, Waterfall, Island, 8"
Artesian Spas
$54.00Island Series - Artesian Spa Pillow Waterfall 8" 26-0315-85, OP26-0315-85. 26-0315-85NL. 2005-2015 Please see "Related Products" below for other pillows in this set.26-0315-85$54.00 -
26-0320-85, Artesian Spas Pillow, Wrap, Island
Artesian Spas
$87.00Island Series - Artesian Spa Pillow Wrap 26-0320-85, OP26-0320-85, 26-0320-85NL 2006-2012.26-0320-85$87.00 -
3" Artesian Spa Jet, Helix, Massage, Grey or S/S
Artesian Spas
03-1203-52 Grey, 03-1204-52 SS, OP03-1203-52, 03-1204-52PE. Used on: 2010 Artesian Island, 2009 Artesian Island, 2009 Artesian Resort, 2008 Artesian Island, 2008 Artesian Resort, 2007 Artesian Island, 2007 Artesian Resort,03-1203-4-52 -
33-0062-60 Artesian Spas Speaker Wire, PER FOOT
Artesian Spas
$2.00OP33-0062-60, 33-0062-60 Artesian Spas Speaker Wire, PER FOOT, 18/2 WHT33-0062-60$2.00 -
33-0079-07, Artesian Spas Stereo, AM/FM W/MP3 (no cd)
Artesian Spas
$329.50Artesian Spas Stereo, AM/FM W/MP3 (no cd). 33-0079-07, OP33-0079-0733-0079-07$329.50 -
33-0085-56, Artesian Spas Speaker, 3”, 4.0 HM, Black
Artesian Spas
$29.50OP33-0085-56, 33-0085-56. Artesian Spas Speaker, 3”, 4.0 HM, Black, 3" 2006-201333-0085-56$29.50 -
33-0090-98, Artesian Spas Stereo Power Supply 240V, AMP
Artesian Spas
$152.00OP33-0090-98, 33-0090-98. Artesian Spas Power Supply 120/240V. Aquatic AV AQ-PS-5D. 2006-2015.33-0090-98$152.00 -
33-0102-55, Artesian Spas Subwoofer, 8"
Artesian Spas
$138.5033-0102-55, OP33-0102-55. Artesian Spas 8” Subwoofer. 2003-201533-0102-55$138.50 -
33-0180-07, Artesian Spas Stereo Housing, Seaworthy
Artesian Spas
OP33-0180-07, 33-0180-07. Artesian Spas Stereo Housing, Seaworthy. 2007-2012.33-0180-07 -
33-0615-08, Artesian Spas Control Box, MVS504DZ, 5.5 KW Heater, 55178
Artesian Spas
$599.00OP33-0615-08, 33-0615-08. Artesian Spas Control Box, MVS504DZ, 5.5 KW Heater. 2007-2012.OP33-0615-08$599.00 -
33-0615-08CB, Artesian Spa Circuit Board, MVS504DZ, 55179, 55178
Artesian Spas
$549.0033-0615-08CB, Artesian Spa Circuit Board, MVS504DZ, 55178-02 Compatible with control boxes containing the following serial numbers: 55178-01 and 55178-02OP33-0615-08CB$549.00 -
33-0640-08, Artesian Spas Circuit Board, Daughter Board, X-P, 3P, 60 HZ
Artesian Spas
$53.50OP33-0640-08, 33-0640-08. Artesian Spas Circuit Board, X-P, 3P, 60 HZ. Balboa33-0640-08$53.50 -
33-0655-08, Artesian Spas Topside Control, Island, Custom 800D
Artesian Spas
$269.00Artesian Spas Topside Control Panel Island Custom 800D 33-0655-08 OP33-0655-08 Recommended complete Replacement could be G6406 as wellOP33-0655-08$269.00 -
35-0003-54 Artesian Spas Light Assembly
Artesian Spas
$24.0035-0003-54, OP35-0003-54 Artesian Spas Light Assembly. 3.5" Face Diameter. 2003-201135-0003-54$24.00