Possible Cause: Excessive organic contaminants
Solution: Shock oxidize with Leisure Time® Renew® non-chlorine shock oxidizer. Check and adjust sanitizer level.
Preventative Maintenance: Use Leisure Time® Renew® non-chlorine shock oxidizer weekly as part of the Leisure Time® Simple Spa Care® program.
Possible Cause: Water out of balance
Solution: Check water balance with Leisure Time® Spa & Hot Tub Test Strips and adjust as necessary.
Preventative Maintenance: Keep your spa water balanced by making sure it is within the following recommended ranges: pH 7.2-7.8, total alkalinity 80-120 ppm and calcium hardness 150-400 ppm.
Possible Cause: High mineral content in water
Solution: Treat spa water with Leisure Time® Defender (2 fl. oz. per 800 gallons).
Preventative Maintenance: Use Leisure Time® Defender weekly to prevent scale formation, aid in the removal of existing scale and to help prevent precipitation of dissolved solids in spas or hot tubs.
Possible Cause: Oils, lotions and detergents from bathers have caused buildup
Solution: Clean scum line. Use 1 fl. oz. Leisure Time® Enzyme per 250 gallons of water.
Preventative Maintenance: Use Leisure Time® Enzyme weekly
Possible Cause: High iron or manganese content
Solution: Add Leisure Time® Metal Gon to sequester minerals in the water.
Preventative Maintenance: Test pH and total alkalinity and maintain proper levels. Leisure Time® Metal Gon should be used each time the spa is filled.
Possible Cause: Dissolved copper or iron in spa water
Solution: Add Leisure Time® Metal Gon to sequester minerals in the water. Check pH level.
Preventative Maintenance: Test pH and total alkalinity and maintain proper levels. Leisure Time® Metal Gon should be used each time the spa is filled.
Possible Cause: Total alkalinity or pH out of balance
Solution: Test water and adjust total alkalinity and pH as necessary using Leisure Time® Spa Up, Spa Down or Alkalinity Increaser.
Preventative Maintenance: Maintain a pH of 7.2 – 7.8 and total alkalinity of 80 – 120 ppm.
Possible Cause: Dirty filter
Solution: Use Leisure Time® Instant Cartridge Clean on a monthly basis or deep clean with Leisure Time® Filter Clean.
Preventative Maintenance: Clean filter with Leisure Time® Filter Clean on a monthly basis
Possible Cause: Calcium too high
Solution: Treat spa water with Leisure Time® Defender (2 fl. oz. per 800 gallons).
Preventative Maintenance: Use Leisure Time® Defender weekly to prevent scale formation, aid in the removal of existing scale and to help prevent precipitation of dissolved solids in spas or hot tubs.
Possible Cause: Excessive organic contaminants or lack of sanitizer
Solution: Shock oxidize with Leisure Time® Renew® non-chlorine shock oxidizer.
Preventative Maintenance: Use Leisure Time® Renew® non-chlorine shock oxidizer weekly
Possible Cause: Buildup of unfilterable material
Solution: Use Leisure Time® Bright & Clear clarifier (2 fl. oz. per 800 gallons). Its unique polymer action neutralizes and removes dirt, soap, oily films and suspended particles to create clean, fresh water.
Preventative Maintenance: Use Leisure Time® Bright & Clear weekly
Possible Cause: Low sanitizer level
Solution: Shock oxidize with Leisure Time® Renew® non-chlorine shock oxidizer. Check and adjust sanitizer levels.
Preventative Maintenance: Maintain a sanitizer level of 3-5 ppm.
Possible Cause: Buildup of body oils, cosmetics and detergents from bathers
Solution: Add Leisure Time® Foam Down. Shock oxidize with Leisure Time® Renew® non-chlorine shock oxidizer. Check and adjust sanitizer level.
Preventative Maintenance: Use Leisure Time® Renew® non-chlorine shock oxidizer weekly
Possible Cause: Calcium hardness is too low
Solution: Add Leisure Time® Calcium Booster to obtain 150-400 ppm calcium level in the water.
Preventative Maintenance: When adding make-up water or freshly filling the spa, have the calcium level tested.
Possible Cause: Large amount of Total Dissolved Solids
Solution: Change spa water.
Preventative Maintenance: Drain and refill water at least once every 90 days.