Filter Clean Concentrated formula deep cleans filter to remove dirt, oil, grease and scale.
Leisure Time 32oz Filter Cleaner O
Leisure Time® Filter Clean is an overnight deep-cleaning solution for spa and hot tub filters. Removes body oils, suntan lotion, grease and other organic material as well as scale and mineral buildup from filters.
- Deep clean and eliminate stubborn debris on your filter overnight with Leisure Time® Filter Clean
- Removes dirt, grease, lotion, oils, minerals, scale and other mineral buildup from spa filters
- Soak for 24 hours and rinse for an easy deep clean and more relaxation
- Compatible with all sanitizers
- Leisure Time® Specialty products clear debris from spa water filters, cartridges and hard surfaces for easy maintenance
Directions for use:
- Remove spa filters or cartridges and rinse off any large debris.
- Prepare Filter Clean solution by adding 16 oz to 4 gallons of water in a large bucket or bin.
- Allow spa filters or cartridges to soak in solution for a minimum of 3 hours. Soak overnight for maximum effectiveness.
- Remove spa filters or cartridges from solution and rinse thoroughly with a high pressure nozzle.
- If possible let spa filters or cartridges dry before reinstalling.
Compatible with: chlorine, bromine, ozone and biguanide sanitizers