This product has been discontinued but some of the parts are still available. Please call to see if the specific pieces you need are available.
R0445301 Impeller Kit, Zodiac Jandy SHP/PHPF, 0.5hp Jandy/Laars/Zodiac Pump Impeller Kit
Closed face impeller made for the SHP and PHP series pool pumps by Jandy/Laars/Zodiac. Rated at 1/2hp, it is used in the SHP and PHP pump bodies, and must be installed on a 1/2hp (or greater) square flange motor. Shaft seal and diffuser included
88-375-1050 Lube Tube, Roper Products, 4oz, with PFTE
88-426-1000 Lube, U.S. Seal, 10ml Tube
88-426-1001 Lube, U.S. Seal, 4oz Bottle
99-361-1095 Tool, Pool Tool, Impeller Wrench, Closed
99-361-1095 Tool, Pool Tool, Impeller Wrench, Closed