22-873-050-0543 Heater, VersiHeat, HQ, 15" x 2", 230v, 5.5kW, 7/03-Current Hydro-Quip Electronic
Versi-Heat remote heater replacement assembly. 2" x 15", 5.5kW/240v. To be used specifically on Hydro-Quip universal electronic systems with versi-heat option. Shipped complete as shown. Pressure switch included
26-395-1002 Gate Valve, UniBody, Magic, 2" Slip x 2" Slip, 80psi
60-555-3000 Bonding Wire, Generic, 36"
89-395-1110 Inside Pipe Extender, 2" Spigot, Magic Mend
99-242-1100 Tool, Clamp-On Multimeter, Tenma, with Sensor and Leads
99-242-1100 Tool, Clamp-On Multimeter, Tenma, with Sensor and Leads
99-361-1145 Tool, Pool Tool, Wire Saw, PVC