5" Power Storm Spa Jet, Scalloped Face, Twin Roto,
Part Numbers: 212-5641s, 212-5647s, 212-6441 same as: 212-7611, 212-6447 same as: 212-7617, 212-6440 same as:...
This 5" Power Storm Series spa jet is a part of the Waterway Line and is available in a number of colors. This roto style hot tub jet will give you a lot of power while the nozzle spins freely...
3" Mini Storm Spa Jet Scalloped Face Roto, Black, 212-7931. On July 19, 2011, Waterway made a product change to all Roto and Twin Roto Storm jet eyeballs to fix the eyeballs in the desired spin...
4" Face Poly Storm Spa Jet, Twin Roto on/off adjustable control. Waterway Spa Jet with scalloped face. Available part numbers: Gray 212-8177 is the same as 212-8247, Black 212-8171, White 212-8170...