Dynasty Spas
12648 Dynasty Spas Topside, Gecko, K-52, Curved, IN.Link Cord, 0607-007035
- SKU:
- 12648
- UPC:
- 12648
- MPN:
- 0607-007035
This item has been discontinued. There are two replacement options linked below.
Topside, Gecko in.k8, 8 Button, 3 Output, LCD, w/Overlay
7 Button Topside, Gecko In.k450, 3-Output, LCD, w/Overlay, 0607-005012
Dynasty made 2 different K-52 topsides -each having a different plug. This option was for the IN. connection. If you need the connection for an S-Class pack please see part 11010
12648 Dynasty Spas Topside, Gecko, K-52, Curved, IN.Link Cord, 0607-007035
Replaces: 12696 K-93, LED, IN.XE Packs, 0607-008008
USE WITH 11161