106895 Spa Depot Control Box W/ Heater, SSPA-MP, Replaces 106896

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106895 Spa Depot Control Box W/ Heater, SSPA-MP SPA-MP-P122-P212-B2-O1-NE-LS-H5.5--AUI-JJC-RL-AX4 Used on Elite Spas, Nahanni Spas, Infinity Spas, Lifestyles, Savannah Spas 2002-2006

This spa control pack is for use on: Savannah, 2001 Spa Depot, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005-2006 Elite Spa.

This product is not currently available through the manufacturer, but may still be available. Please call 702-629-1877.